A photographer's blog

The blog of a San Diego Photographer

Thursday, July 26, 2007


This is an old shoot that I dug up.
All of the images

HesH SesH 3

What a frickin day. We loaded the quarter pipe in the back of my truck the night before. The next morning when I got on the freeway it worked as an excellent sail. There were only a couple of us there until about 11, so 5 of us were skating. I got broke off 3 times in less than an hour. One of which I thought I was done for the day. It's not often that the sole of my shoe looks up to the sky at the mercy of my ankle and this was just such an occasion.

The Broke crew showed up and ripped. Marcelle Johnson put the hammers down on the quarter pipe. James Washington popped switch heels over a trash can like he was ollieing off a curb. Cory had his glory too with a massive air over the quarter pipe. I'd say it was a success once again. Somehow we plowed through over 150 beers before it was over.

Thanks again and keep checking back for the next session.
HesH Sesh 3

John Hunt

James Washington: Switch Heelflip

James Washington: Switch Heelflip

Ratty: Backside Flip

Derek Hooker: Heelflip rock fakie

John Snay: Backside Flip


James Washington: Hard Flip

Cory: Air over the quarterpipe

James Washington: Hard Flip

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Extreme Flatground

I can shoot flatground skate too.

Here is the website


Stoked for you Emery and Athena. It was a fun wedding. The party bus rocked. You two are awesome. Sorry for the delay but here they are.

Party Bus

McElroy Wedding

I crashed my car, filled up every memory card I had, all of my batteries died, and was dead exhausted by the end of the day. But damn it was fun.
I had the pleasure of photographing my friend Jenn's wedding. She's a girl that I have skated with in Santa Barbara for over 3 years. Mike and Jenn are a couple of cool people that I hope to know for years to come. Partly because they now live in Humbolt which is half way to Burnside, but more importantly because they are just 2 very happy people and it's cool hanging out with happy people.




I crashed my car, filled up every memory card I had, all of my batteries died, and was dead exhausted by the end of the day. But damn it was fun.
I had the pleasure of photographing my friend Jenn's wedding. She's a girl that I have skated with in Santa Barbara for over 3 years. Mike and Jenn are a couple of cool people that I hope to know for years to come. Partly because they now live in Humbolt which is half way to Burnside, but more importantly because they are just 2 very happy people and it's cool hanging out with happy people.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Broke on June 24 2007

Steezy pop shuvit down blockbuster's gap *Jared

Nollie Bigspin down a not so small gap. *Oscar

Heelflip Back Fiver, Switch! *James Washington

These guys are dedicated and make skateboarding fun again. It's fun skating and hanging out with them because it reminds me of skating way back when. Here's some stuff that went down on that day.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

National Go Drinking Day

At long last, here are the 4th of july photos. Thank you Greg and Derek Hooker and the rest of the family. Everyone else that contributed CHEERS! from beginning to end we endured 15 hours of drinking with about 7 hours of skating. I'm stoked on all the photos and all the memories. I'm sorry it took so long but I had 700 photos to edit in between the rest of my life. Here are a few samples. The rest are at zachpetschek.com/july4th2007