A photographer's blog

The blog of a San Diego Photographer

Sunday, January 20, 2008

San Diego Fires

The fires of October 2007 were incredible. The damage done was catastrophic and also an amusing spectacle. My heart goes out to those that lost everything. I posted photos already of the aftermath. Here's the duringmath. The sky was an eerie orangish red and shadows were a green of sorts. The air was dry and irritating. The smoke vied with the sun for control of the sky. The smoke usurped in most of the county. It was an amazing week. Photographs only spell out a small portion of the emotion that took place.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Skating Adio

Some stuff at Adio from last Tuesday.

180 switch 5-0

180 switch 5-0 180 out

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Funny URLs

Here is a list of the worst urls ever made

Have a laugh

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Skateboarders Owe it to Nestle

If you go to the Washington skatepark website (I didn't know they had one either until now) and click on the sponsors page you will see a list of contributors. A list of companies that donated to the washington skatepark crew to get the park built. You can see the usual line up, Element, DC, Tum-Yeto, Black Box etc. However the two strangest are Premise Intelligence Agency and Nestle. Rock on for their contributions and we must all be thankful but who would have thought raw, dirty, bloody, transition skaters would have to thank a multi million dollar chocolate company?
Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year

Happy 8. I was a little dissapointed this morning. When I awoke and looked outside there were no flying cars, no aliens amongst us and food was not in pill form. The future is supposed to be all those things and more. I feel ripped off. Better luck next year.

A few New Years photos.