A photographer's blog

The blog of a San Diego Photographer

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Skateboarding memorial

John Spooner, Michelle Oleary and I skated Memorial skatepark the day after the skate event in May. It was an overcast shitty day, but a lot of fun. I landed a new trick I haven't tried before and an old one I haven't been able to do in a while. I got to watch Spooner blast airs off of all the big lips in the park. Michelle almost got a padless backside grind in the keyhole. She had it but the helmet kept getting the way. She's too gnarly for pads.

We went to Washington skatepark next and were all humbled by the place. The locals rule and they fucking know it.

Afterwards we had a few beers at Spooner's and watched skate videos and Michelle was bouncing off the walls. Here is the link to all the images http://zachpetschek.com/skate_2

1 comment:

John said...

I'm sorry I missed Michelle bouncing off of the walls.