A photographer's blog

The blog of a San Diego Photographer

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Wilderness session

Wilderness was a pool in Santa Barbara. It is going to be destroyed very soon so they can expand the 101. In the 5 years it has been around it has seen a lot.
The house originated as the business location of Wildereness surf boards. As business picked up the house was too small to meet the demand of the surf industry. He relocated but kept the house. The house was nestled between one neighbor and a freeway. Because of the prime location they built a pool. No noise issues and plenty of parking. The popularity of the pool grew but always remained underground to a degree. The famous parties at this echoed of a party house in San Diego.
I am proud that I was able to be a part of history and I am hurt that it will end soon. It will be buried in time like many other skate spots. I'll be posting photos that I have taken there over the years.

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