A photographer's blog

The blog of a San Diego Photographer

Thursday, September 27, 2007


As most of you know I have been looking for work for 2 months now. I am so broke that I have to borrow money for gas... often. (thank you to those that of you that have helped me) I finally found a place. A position just opened up at Calumet Photo in Escondido. I will be working in the rental department. This is such a relief to me. I have had a couple of side jobs recently that have quickly vanished as I am paying bare minimums on all my bills that will keep me from going into collection.
I have to talk to HR and the president of the company over the next 2 weeks to go over the details of my job so I will be starting in the middle of next month.
Thank you John and Paul Snay and Michelle Oleary and Kate Rice. I gitchu back

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